Lately, the GOP and their mouthpiece, FOX News, have been preaching that the Democrats are weak on terror, don't support our soldiers, anti religious, and worst of all...Supporters of the Terrorist cause. What the hell is going on. Are we returning to the Witch Hunt? America is facing similar threats to that of the 1950's. As the fears increase of a nuclear capable Iran, the rise of Al Qaeda 2.0.1, the Taliban, and Pakistan, the GOP are pushing American governance back into history. Into a dark period where the Constitution and Bill of Rights were subverted to protect 'national security'. Stop the madness.
"The Democrats and those who support them" are not the enemy. We are not wild eyed, crazy leftists who support terrorism or anything related to it. We are TRUE Americans. Whatever happened to debate and discourse. Diplomacy and integrity. Where is my nation going...Are we becoming a 'homeland'? Questioning the government is American. The government and those elected to fill representative positions need to have a watchdog. They need a chaperon. That chaperon, is US the 'alternative media', those who check the accuracy of the Administration, their policies, their lies. Therefore, we are the 'presumed threat'. If you're not on the GOP 'war of terror' bandwagon...Be afraid..you are in their own words...'those who support them'.

The absurdity of the dialogue being espoused by the GOP and FOX News are creating an era of a new McCarthyism. A return to an era that America is ashamed of. Have we not learned? Is history forgotten so quickly? The Democrats are attempting to preserve our rights, freedom of speech, the right the assemble....nothing to due with supporting terrorists and the like. Get real...Americans are not as idiotic as our 'Resident in the Oval Office' and his Administration of 'experts'.
Free America. Impeach. Two thirds of the country want a NATION...the other GOP one third...Want a 'homeland'. Free America from it's GOP captures. We are not hostages. The 'Democrats and those who support them' must stand up and end the subversion of FOX news and the GOP.
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Same Players. Different Scandal.