Thursday, November 8, 2007

(Video) Fox News Loves those Whores..mmm yummy

We all know Bill O'Reilly is a complete prick, so this isn't anything new. I've ranted on and on about how often Fox 'newscasters' loves the smut, but my rants could never do justice to the issue as Robert Greenwald and his Brave New Films could do. Take a moment a watch their latest production.

Bill O'Reilly..."Prick of the Century".

today's posts:
The Curse of George Bush and his Constantly RElabeled 'Enemy'
Senate Res. 366: Another Complete Waste of Time
The FY '08 Defense Appropriations: $4.9 Billion in far
Chávez Henchmen opened fire on Students at the Central University of Venezuela
Chávez Henchmen opened fire on Students at the Central Univ of Venezuela
We are "Renting Democracy" and it Costs too Damn Much
Giuliani and his new BFF, Pat Robertson, AKA 'nutjob'

Same Players. Different Scandal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
