Oil is always on his mind. Another 'slip' from our Resident in the Oval Office.
Bush, in Australia to attend the Apec summit of world leaders, took to the stage at the Sydney Opera House this morning and thanked Prime Minister John Howard for his introduction and for being such a "kind host" for the Opec (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) summit."I mean Apec summit," he said.
"I've been invited to the Opec summit next year.
"The Apec summit."
The faux pas brought laughter from his audience inside the auditorium.
White House aides later said Bush was joking and would not, in fact, attend an Opec summit.
Mr Bush also stumbled over his pronunciation of Jemaah Islamiah, the regional terror network.
And in another miscue, he botched the host country's name, referring to Mr Howard's visit to Iraq in 2006 as a thank-you to "the Austrian troops there." Stuff.co.nz 9/07/07
Bush on the Kyoto Protocol
"now i know they say that since he's against Kyoto he doesn't care about the climate change. That's urban legend. That is preposterous. As a matter of fact the United States last year..reduced Greenhouse gas emissions and grew our economy at the same time...we showed what is possible when you deploy modern technologies" Reuters videoBush on Global Warming
"if you really want to solve the global climate change issue let's get everybody table. Let's make sure that countries such as China and India are at the table as we discuss the way forward. Reuters video
"We talked about climate change and our desire to work together on climate change" CNN 09/07/07
"We take climate change seriously in America." CNN 09/07/07
Bush on Russia and Democracy ( Irony )
"the U.S. would continue to work with Russia on shared interests, while encouraging the Kremlin "to respect the checks and balances that are essential to democracy." EasyBourse 9/07/07
Bush on Bruma and Democracy ( Irony )
"We must press the regime in Burma to stop arresting, harassing and assaulting pro-democracy activists for participating in peaceful demonstrations...The Burmese regime must release these activists immediately, stop its intimidation of those Burmese citizens who are promoting democracy and human rights and release all political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi." MorningStar 9/06/07
Deputy National Security Adviser Jim Jeffrey, said Bush.."In a bilateral meeting with Hu, Bush "stressed that for him that he was going to the Olympics for the sports and not for any political statement."
EasyBourse 9/07/07
Bush on Terrorism
"Pressure keeps the terrorists on the run, and when on the run, we're safer," he said. "We must be determined, we must be focused and we must not let up."
[..]nations across Asia should understand the importance of fighting terrorism, since they have so often been its victims."CNN 09/07/07
Bush on North Korea ( I didn't know we were in a 'Korean War' )
"I can't make it any more clear, Mr. President. We look forward to the day when we can end the Korean War. That will happen when Kim Jong Il verifiably gets rid of his weapons programs and his weapons."
The Australian 09/07/07
Bush on Iraq
"We're going to succeed in Iraq"
Bush on Australia.
"I feel pretty good. Nice to be back to Australia ... You told me it was beautiful," Bush response to PM John Howard when he landed.
The Boston Globe 09/04/07
His Iraq clu$t@rfu&k has screwed all of US. Our schools are failing, our infrastructure is crumbling, the entire global economic system is 'tanking', genocide is being committed in the Sudan, China, the sleeping dragon, is waking up....We have no other foreign policy besides the Middle East, yet Bush pedals along on his perpetual vacation.
We're playing foreign policy at the moment like five-year- olds play soccer, everyone is going after the ball at once rather than cover the whole field...Right now, we're just so preoccupied with Iraq that we're ignoring Asia totally." Richard Armitage The Australian 9/3/07
When is enough, Enough? This administration has given US nothing. Accomplished nothing. The world is watching as the Bush Cabal turns our NATION into his Homeland and we do nothing. We wait. We watch. We let our policymakers keep everything meaningful off their imaginary 'table'. When is enough, Enough? IMPEACH. please.
Same Players. Different Scandal.
1 comment:
With the crap he says he is like an abusive father. He beats the crap out of his kids then goes out in public and puts on a facade that everything's fine. Considering his comments on Russia thats like the abusive dad telling another one "That's bad you shouldn't beat your kids."
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