Saturday, December 29, 2007

When Pastors Attack: Huckabee takes aim at Romney

Huckabee knows a flip flopper when he sees one. Or as the N.H. Concord newspaper states, "a phony". A phony, flip flopper he is, and Huckabee couldn't resist.

From the Caucus,
Mr. Huckabee laid out a string of attacks on Mr. Romney’s past statements about his views on abortion rights, gun control, the Reagan administration, and his past as a hunter.

“You are not going to find moments on YouTube of me saying something different about the sanctity of life today than I said ten years ago, ten minutes ago, or fifty years ago,” Mr. Huckabee said, referring to footage of Mr. Romney declaring his support for abortion rights—a position he later changed. “You are not going to find something in YouTube where I said something completely different about gun ownership and the second amendment than I did last week, ten weeks ago, ten years go.”

“You are not going to hear me making up stuff about my biography. I don’t go around saying I was lifelong golfer because I once rode in a golf cart when I was eight years old,” Mr. Huckabee said.

Mr. Huckabee laid out a string of attacks on Mr. Romney’s past statements about his views on abortion rights, gun control, the Reagan administration, and his past as a hunter.

“You are not going to find moments on YouTube of me saying something different about the sanctity of life today than I said ten years ago, ten minutes ago, or fifty years ago,” Mr. Huckabee said, referring to footage of Mr. Romney declaring his support for abortion rights—a position he later changed. “You are not going to find something in YouTube where I said something completely different about gun ownership and the second amendment than I did last week, ten weeks ago, ten years go.”

Ouch! Former Pastor, Huckabee has a vicious bite. Watch out're next on the pastor's list. An eye for an eye. Duke it out with each other, are on the wrong side of change and progress.

Same Players. Different Scandal.

VIDEO: Rudy's Dumba$$ Campaign: Open Mouth, Insert Foot..again

Rudy and his terrible crew will get US all killed. These folks never quit with their fear mongering, discriminatory, racist, Islamic fascist crap. Never. Once again, Rudy's worthless, despicable "friends" have raised concerns about his "Presidential" intentions.

Welcome, John Deady, the co-chair of state Veterans for Rudy and his penchant for babbling nonsense.
"He's got I believe the knowledge and the judgement to attack one of the most difficult problems in current history and that is the rise of the Muslims, and make no mistake about it, this hasn't happened for a thousand years. These people are very dedicated and they're also very very smart in their own way. We need to keep the feet to the fire and keep pressing these people until we defeat or chase them back to their caves or in other words get rid of them."

Rudy...Please do US all a favor. Take yourself and your corrupt friends and go hide in a CAVE. You embarrass US all...Consistently. These discriminatory WAR MONGERS DO NOT REPRESENT AMERICA. Only the Neo Conservative AGENDA!

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Pakistan: Here comes "state of emergency II" Musharraf prepares for crackdown...again

It's all rolling downhill...again. As Pakistan attempts to cope with the death of her democratic hero, Benazir Bhutto, President Musharraf has sought another opportunity to subvert democracy. Here comes the TROOPS, again.

Here are a few excerpts from the BBC,
Mr Musharraf said looters "must be dealt with firmly and all measures be taken to ensure [the] safety and security of the people".
Troops have been deployed onto the streets to try to quell the violence that has broken out since Ms Bhutto's death.
Interior ministry spokesman Javed Iqbal Cheema said rioting across the country had destroyed 176 banks, 72 train cars and 18 railway stations, while at least 100 prisoners had been sprung from jails.
How can Mush, Bush, Brown, and Rudd believe that elections should still be held on Jan. 8th? Pakistan is in turmoil! Elections would be a COMPLETE FARCE on Democracy.
Nine election offices in Ms Bhutto's home province of Sindh were also reportedly burned to the ground.
A spokeswoman for her Pakistan People's Party accused the government of trying to minimise its responsibility for Ms Bhutto's safety, and said the official account was "dangerous nonsense".
and here comes the best, most pathetic part...
Brig Cheema also said Pakistan did not need the help of the international community in investigating the assassination.

And he again accused a Pakistani militant, Baitullah Mehsud, of ordering the killing.

The tribal leader from South Waziristan, who has close links to al-Qaeda, has denied the accusations through a spokesman.

But Brig Cheema said: "We have the evidence that he is involved. Why should he accept that he has done it? It does not suit him. I don't think anybody has the capability to carry out such suicide attacks except for those people."
They are ALL complicit. The "government" has failed the people of Pakistan. Her political future is in DOUBT. Democracy will not survive without the WILL of the people.

Same Players. Different Scandal.

BushCO Breakfast Condiment: "I Can't Believe it's not Torture"

Images courtesy of Johndoe40

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Last minute Shopping idea... War on Terror: The Board game

There's no need to fight with your relatives this Christmas. Instead of lambasting on your drunkard uncle, degrading your wretched sister in law, or duking it out with your bitter drug induced step brother...all can rejoice and take it out on others. Welcome, "War on Terror: The Board game"

Roast a terrorist, gorge yourself on a defenceless empire, plump up a coup, nestle up with a politician or spring a delightfully well wrapped IED - your choice. Play by our rules, or play by your rules, and hope they're the same as your neighbours' rules.

Christmas is that special time for falling out with family. But with the help of War on Terror the Boardgame it doesn't have to be that way. We suggest trying for 'World Peace' this Christmas instead. We put this special ending in the rules ages ago but in three years of testing, peace only broke out do your bit this year and make it a peaceful one. Although for all you warring nutters out there don't worry, being the peace envoy doesn't mean you can't have your murderous fun too: you can still be an aggressive war criminal at the same time.
It's got suicide bombers, political kidnaps and intercontinental war. It's got filthy propaganda, rampant paranoia and secret treaties and the Axis of Evil is a spinner in the middle of the board.
You can fight terrorism, you can fund terrorism, you can even be the terrorists. The only thing that matters is global domination - err, liberation.
Everyone starts with the best intentions. Then things start to get cramped. Then you notice your neighbour has more oil than you. Before long, war is waged, nukes are dropped, revolutions are fought and terrorists are doing your dirty work, before turning on you...
This is the War on Terror, the boardgame: A quality boardgame for 2 - 6 players, lovingly illustrated and politically correct (in a very literal sense). Playing it will bring out the nastiest, greediest, darkest, most paranoid aspects of your character. It's all great family fun.
Gotta Love it. Good Humored, Satirical fun the whole family can enjoy. Nature vs. Nurture? Which philosophy will you play by? Bush "cowboy diplomacy" or Richardson's "New Realism" of diplomacy? Just make sure you follow the rules.

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Friday, December 14, 2007 the hands of "celebrity diplomacy". Clooney and Cheadle win 2007 Peace Summit Award. Department of State remains silent

It's BushCO follows their path of "cowboy diplomacy" in the Middle East in their quest for "blood oil", Genocide is occurring in the Sudan. Left with NO foreign policy "experts" due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the all encompassing "war on terror",the U.S. has been forced to go with "celebrity diplomacy" for Africa. From Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Don Cheadle, Oprah, et all, our African foreign policy is lacking in Washington, but thriving in Hollywood.

From Reuters,

Dec 13 - Hollywood stars George Clooney and Don Cheadle have received the 2007 Peace Summit Award for their efforts to bring peace to Darfur.

The actors were presented with the award by former Soviet President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Mikhail Gorbachev.

Clooney and Cheadle have both made trips to Darfur in the past two years and spoken with government leaders about the humanitarian crisis in the region.

As Clooney states,
"The Simple truth is that when it comes to the atrocities in Darfur. Those people are no better off now as then they were years ago. The murders continue, the rapes continue and some 2.5 million refugees have yet to go home...and when they write about this the question will be asked...Where was the rest of the world and the answer will just wasn't a priority. "I am the son of and journalist and I understand that Freedom of Speech doesn't give you the right to run into a crowed theater and yell "FIRE" unless of course there is one. And there is a FIRE."
Sadly enough, we are lucky we have Hollywood..otherwise we wouldn't have DIPLOMACY in Africa. We'd be left with Wolfowitz and his wild ideas about Africa. (we already saw what is "ideas" did to Iraq...should we allow him to be "planning" for Africa?).

Sad. The United States has been reduced to "celebrity diplomacy" and Sub "machine gun" contractors as our Foreign Policy throughout the world. Blood Oil..rules the day....all in the name of "national security".

Anyways..Good job, George. Good job, Don. Thanks for doing the Department of State's job. Someone has to.

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Will Immigration, "undocumented" unemployment rates, and the Sub prime mess invevitalbly Lead the U.S. into a Recession?

"You can't turn a financial toad (into a prince) by kissing it or by securitizing it or by transferring its ownership to somebody else"
So Warren Buffet says the U.S. is nearing a recession if "jobless rates increase", eh. Guess what...they will. What most Americans and obviously the mainstream press, analysts, and all the Real Estate prognosticators fail to mention is how the "housing crunch" affects not only the "jobless rate", but also the immigration debate.

Let me be a little more clear. We all know that many "illegal immigrants" are concentrated in the construction industry. These people are NOT counted in our POLLS. Therefore the "jobless rates" are dramatically off kilter.

In many of the declining markets unemployment rates are misrepresented. These "illegals" are in the shadows. In short, the "jobless rate" has increased and will continue to as long as developers and investors begin to slow their projects. The "illegals" that are laid off will become UNEMPLOYED, but not COUNTED. Hence an increase in rates. Welcome to the RECESSION!

Here are a few excerpts of the article from Reuters,
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett said the United States could slip into a recession if the jobless rate increases, he told CNBC television on Tuesday.

"If unemployment picks up then we could be in for a recession," Buffett said.

The U.S. unemployment rate in October rose to the highest level since August 2006, and was steady at 4.7 percent in November.

Buffett said daily figures from his own outlets, which include a broad range of companies in sectors ranging from food to furniture, indicated the season was "looking soft."
asked about the subprime mess and the Financial industry "write downs", Buffet commented,
"You can't turn a financial toad (into a prince) by kissing it or by securitizing it or by transferring its ownership to somebody else"
The dollar is shot! Unemployment is up! The Fed is wildly lowering rates! Foreigners are realizing their power and purchasing many U.S. assets! Welcome to the impending recession.

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Torture "based" Reality Show to debut in Dubai

“The show will have multinational appeal and will interest everyone, irrespective of nationality, age or gender,” said Anjum Fatima, one of the series’ creators.
My goodness. Reality TV "Dubai Style". Producers in Dubai are preparing the final stages of their new highly touted Reality TV show that "will pit individuals against each other in a competition that conveys the social nature of human beings." That's a unique way of saying , "we are going to torture these individuals with solitary confinement until they break."

Get a load of the details of the show courtesy Emirates Today,

“It’ll be a 24-hour continuous drama where six finalists will be locked in separate rooms with basic amenities.

As a test of their patience and their ability to survive without any social contact each will be required to live for as long as possible in their own cocoon and outlast the rest, ” said Fatima.

She said the test would prove difficult and interesting to watch, and added: “It’s a biological fact that human beings cannot survive in seclusion. Our need to interact with the rest of the world is not a matter of social choice, but a must for maintaining our sanity and day-to-day survival.

“Famous psychologists have established that human beings cannot survive for long when deprived of social contact, which makes this challenge more than just a matter of living on your own in a secluded room.” The series’s producers have already talked to three of the leading broadcast channels in the region and are planning to present the show in different languages.

and for the contestants...What do they get out of this?

A cash prize and a new car will be up for grabs for the winner


the prize money is anybody’s guess, but we are expecting it to be something close to Dh100,000.” Prizes will also be given to the runner-up and third placed entrant, with smaller rewards going to the other finalists of the show.

The Bush Administration and Mukasey will surely enjoy this 'show'. Are you kidding me? Torture based reality programming? Next up..."Who can be waterboarded the longest?" "American Tortured Idol", "Wheel of Misfortune" ,"The Real Survivor". For an emirate that is attempting to crack down on it's "human rights abuses" this isn't a good display to the international community. Ridiculous! Torture based reality programming.

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Move over "lead"....ASBESTOS in toys TOO. CBS to launch "CSI style" investigation

Aaah...just in time for the Christmas toy rush. Welcome, 'Asbestos laced' toys to throw on the pile of injustice.

Asbestos has been found in a variety of consumer products, including one of this season's biggest-selling Christmas toys, according to the nation's largest asbestos victims organizations.

The CSI Fingerprint Examination Kit, two brands of children's play clay, powdered cleanser, roof sealers, duct tapes, window glazing, spackling paste and small appliances were among the products in which asbestos was found by at least two of three labs hired by the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization.

and of course it wasn't our 'government' who discovered was US..citizens.

The group, which was created in 2004 by asbestos victims and their families, spent more than $165,000 to have government-certified laboratories examine hundreds of consumer products over 18 months to determine whether asbestos was present.

It is unusual for a group of volunteers, many of whom have asbestos-caused diseases, to fund research that impacts public health.

"We had to. No one else was doing it," said Linda Reinstein, the group's co-founder and executive director. "This is information that consumers and Congress must have because asbestos is lethal and we naively believe that the government is protecting us, when it's not."

I'll give you one guess as to where the product in manufactured. No silly it's not Iceland. It's our number one trading partner, China, of course.

The product that is of greatest concerns to some public health experts is the fingerprint kit, which is a huge seller


The kit, made in China, is one of several items licensed by CBS after its popular "CSI" science-crime shows. This model has an extensive array of plastic tools, inks and three types of very fine powders -- white, black and glow-in-the-dark. The analysis done for the victim's organization found high levels of two types of asbestos in the white and the glow powder.

Ha. My goodness..everything is becoming 'toxic', but this time we're lucky. CBS is on the case. It appears they're launching their own 'CSI style' investigation into the matter on their own.

CBS Consumer Products responded quickly when told of the reported contamination.

"We've asked our licensee to immediately conduct an independent test in the U.S. for asbestos. If the toy is determined to be unsafe, then we will insist that the licensee remove it from the market," a statement from a CBS spokesman said.

The manufacturer and distributor -- Planet Toys in New York City -- said in an e-mail that it frequently inspects the plants in China that make the CSI toys.

"The kit has been tested and has met all safety standards requirements as set by toy safety agencies and legislation, including the Consumer Product Safety Commission," a spokeswoman said, but added, "The agencies don't require asbestos testing and therefore we have never been apprised of any unacceptable levels of asbestos.

"We respect anyone's right to test our products and should their or our future tests reveal anything unacceptable, we'll of course take swift action to remove contaminated products from the market."

Is their a politician out there who can save US? Greed seems to always win out ...depressing. Globalization is killing US all.

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Video: John Edwards Pickets at NBC w/ WGA

Good job, John. It's about time we see our Presidential candidates stand with our writers.

Did you know that the writers for "I Love Lucy" have never gained 1 cent in residuals? NOT 1 cent!

Why they've fighting. The best video to understand why they are striking.


weekend posts:
Video: "Non Violent" Weapons were USED on Protesters
Want to play Chess? Introducing the Axis of Evil Chess Set
New UK Spy Chief reveals his website to the Masses
What's the Point? National Ammo Day November 17th - 26th
According to Bush...We've been in a state of "national emergency" against Iran since 1979
Hillary slings "mud" at Obama via the hack Robert Novak

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Video: "Non Violent" Weapons were USED on Protesters

I've been saying it for awhile now. These weapons are not for the 'enemy'. They are for US!

Acoustic "non lethal" weapons in use in Georgia....not the state, the country.

in case that wasn't's another Please watch this one. The Embed code is not available so I couldn't upload it here.

related Posts:
California Protestors Beware!, the 'non lethal' Vomit Inducing Flashlight is coming to Town
We are "Renting Democracy" and it Costs too Damn Much

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Want to play Chess? Introducing the Axis of Evil Chess Set

One can't play chess with just the "evil"...they need to have the "axis", too.

Photos courtesy of erikrasmussen

For larger pics click here and here. The larger pics are for the "coffee spilling" Regroce. Hehehe

Same Players. Different Scandal.

New UK Spy Chief reveals his website to the Masses

Are you kidding me? Alex Allan, the new head of the Joint Intelligence Committee which oversees MI 5, MI 6, and GCHQ is a "deadhead". Maybe it's me, but if you're in the "intel" community one shouldn't maintain a website with all his personal information on it.

Check this out,
the details on his website, described by a security official as "a serious breach", reveal him as a devoted fan of the American rock band Grateful Dead and a keen cyclist who once windsurfed to work in Westminster during a train strike.

On the website, he says: "I first saw the Dead in the mud at Bickershawe in 1972 and was so knocked out....I have been a Deadhead ever since.

"I was Principal Private Secretary to the (British) Prime Minister, first John Major and then Tony Blair after the Election. It's the same job as 'Bernard' in Yes, Prime Minister for those who watched that!"

Mr Allan then goes on to detail other posts he held in Whitehall and his role as British High Commissioner to Australia from November 1997 to January 2000. The website also has transcripts of his speeches and details his wife's successful career as an artist.

Potentially more serious is the address of his west London house and his home and mobile telephone numbers. The Daily Telegraph has agreed not to publish further details. One security official said: "This is a very serious breach of security. Mr Allan is a target for terrorists and having this information in the public domain is a very naive move on his part. He may well now have to move." UK Telegraph

What's the Point? National Ammo Day November 17th - 26th

What a bunch of crap. National Ammo "Day" isn't even a's over a week. This is complete BULL$HIT

Second Amendment supporters should buy ammunition November 19th to support freedom, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Monday, November 19th is National Ammo Day, described as a BUYcott of ammunition. The goal of National Ammo Day is to empty the ammunition from the shelves of your local gun store, sporting goods, or hardware store and put that ammunition in the hands of law-abiding citizens.

According to the National Ammo Day website, each law-abiding supporter of the right to keep and bear arms is encouraged to buy 100 rounds of their favorite ammunition. Supporters are exhorted to Make your support of the Second Amendment known--by voting with your dollars!…

Here are the pathetic "goals" from the "Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms,

Second Amendment supporters should buy ammunition November 19th to support freedom, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
“Gun stores, ranges, and ammunition manufacturers across the country are under constant attack by a barrage of federal, state, and local regulations, frivolous lawsuits, and protests,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “If every gun owner bought 100 rounds of ammunition, that would put an estimated 7.5 billion rounds of ammunition into the hands of law-abiding gun owners dedicated to defending our constitutionally-protected individual right to keep and bear arms.”
Mark A. Taff, CCRKBA Executive Director, went one step further and encouraged gun owners to not only buy 100 rounds of their favorite ammunition, but to fire those rounds on their local gun range. “I can’t think of a better way to spend a Monday evening than putting some rounds down-range to improve our marksmanship skills. Hitting what you aim at is crucial to responsible armed self-defense.”
Bull$hit. We deserve the right to bear arms, but suggesting that WE need a day/week to buy ammo is ridiculous and helps absolutely NOTHING. Support our schools, support anything..but don't go and buy AMMO. What a crock of NRA sponsored crap. Haven't bullets killed enough people, yet?

Same Players. Different Scandal.

According to Bush...We've been in a state of "national emergency" against Iran since 1979

This crap blows my mind. The following is from the Presidential Documents section of
Notice of November 8, 2007

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Iran
On November 14, 1979, by Executive Order 12170, the President declared a national emergency with respect to Iran pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States constituted by the situation in Iran. Because
our relations with Iran have not yet returned to
normal, and the process of implementing the January 19, 1981 agreements with Iran is still underway, the national emergency declared on November 14, 1979, must continue in effect beyond November 14, 2007. Therefore,
consistent with section 202(d) of the National
Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year this national emergency with respect to Iran.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register
and transmitted to the Congress.

(Presidential Sig.)


November 8, 2007.
I guess the "resident in the Oval Office" wanted to remind US of something. That "something"....Iran. The man is dangerous and has other motives. Impeach!, before before he and his cronies start WWIII.

Related "emergency":

Continuation of Emergency Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Hillary slings "mud" at Obama via the hack Robert Novak

Anybody who follows my blog knows that I'm an "aggressive progressive", who does not support Hillary Clinton, but supports the Democratic Party as a whole. Now that is mentioned let me move on. Robert Novak has published absolute rubbish about Obama and has claimed it comes from the Hillary campaign.

Agents of Sen. Hillary Clinton are spreading the word in Democratic circles that she has scandalous information about her principal opponent for the party's presidential nomination, Sen. Barack Obama, but has decided not to use it. The nature of the alleged scandal was not disclosed.
This word-of-mouth among Democrats makes Obama look vulnerable and Clinton look prudent. It comes during a dip for the front-running Clinton after she refused to take a stand on New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's now discarded plan to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens.
The response from the Obama campaign sets the record straight,
“During our debate in Las Vegas on Thursday, we heard Senator Clinton rail against the politics of ‘throwing mud.’

“The item did not identify these ‘agents,’ nor did it reveal the nature of the charge. It was devoid of facts, but heavy on innuendo and insinuation of the sort to which we’ve become all too accustomed in our politics these past two decades. If the purpose of this shameless item was to daunt or discourage me or supporters of our campaign from challenging and changing the politics of Washington, it will fail. In fact, it will only serve to steel our resolve.

“But in the interest of our party, and her own reputation, Senator Clinton should either make public any and all information referred to in the item, or concede the truth: that there is none.

“She of all people, having complained so often about ‘the politics of personal destruction,’ should move quickly to either stand by or renounce these tactics.

“I am prepared to stand up to that kind of politics, whether it’s deployed by candidates in our party, in the other party or by any third party.

“The cause of change in this country will not be deterred or sidetracked by the old ‘Swift boat’ politics. The cause of moving America forward demands that we defeat it.” The Carpetbagger Report

How convenient. Clinton's slinging "mud" via, Novak. Those GOPer's are trying their hardest to make Hill their '08 competitor against their pathetic Presidential nominees. Obama has the appeal of the masses. Hill represents the "old guard" and the Republicans are comfortable with her. We need a leader who isn't entrenched in the politics of the old. A leader who isn't entrenched in "manipulation Nation".We need "truth in leadership", not the Status Quo. Hillary, Novak, and their dirty tricksters are pathetic.

Anybody, but Hillary, Biden, Giuliani, McCain, Thompson, Huckabee, and Romney in '08. These people do not represent America. They represent the "status quo" and work against the "needs and wants" of the electorate. They are the past...we need a leader to take US into the future. A future full of hope. Hillary is NOT the ONE! nor are the status quo, war mongering, "richie rich" loving Republicans who wish to run against her. She is their "dream candidate"..Not OURS!

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Do you live on top on Bombs? Vista Lakes homeowners in Orlando do

Bombs, bombs, bombs...everywhere you tread..bombs, bombs, bombs. What would you do if the half million dollar home you purchased was built on top of bomb laden soil? This is the very question that Vista Lakes homeowners in Orlando, FL are facing.

From the Orlando Sentinel,
World War II-era bombs, bomb fragments and related contamination could be mixed in with the soil used to fill in swamps, make berms and level the ground for homes, a school and roads, records from the Army Corps of Engineers and county planning office show.
"There very well could be bomb material all over the place, anywhere out here," he said. "We want to know what's going to be done about it, and frankly we're not hearing a lot of answers."
An agreement between developers, builders and owners, signed in 1999, sets out the legal permission for the builders to take and use dirt dug up from the old bomb range for two major roads: the Lee Vista Boulevard extension and the Econlockhatchee Trail extension.
The agreement allows the builders to use the excavated dirt and sand anywhere else needed in the neighborhood.

Aerial photographs taken before and after development show that at least four ponds or small lakes were created on land inside the known boundaries of the Army range.
Resident William Dore, who bought his $520,000 home a year ago in Vista Lakes, wants to know when the corps will look for bombs in the Windsor area.

"Yes, they should check the school right away, but when are they going to come to our neighborhoods?" he asked. "Why are they spending all that time out in the pasture land? Are they more worried about cows than people?

"We want them to tell us when they're going to start searching [our neighborhoods]. What is their schedule? What is it that they even need in terms of manpower and resources? But they aren't telling us," he said. "Frankly, it's not going well."
Pathetic. Profits and greed always win against the concerns of the homeowner. Bomb laden soil used as "fill"? We aren't safe anywhere. Who is looking out for US? What about the health concerns? What about the increased rates of illnesses due to "bomb material"? This is ridiculous. Dirt is everywhere...why get your "dirt" from a bombing range? This makes absolutely no sense at all. I see a class action lawsuit in the works. Cheap bastards should have to pay. They have endangered the lives of the homeowners, their children, and our future.

Watch a few videos of this 'situation'

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Monkey Rule in India. The Monkeys are taking control

Last month I reported on the "killer monkeys" in India. This month the monkeys have gained their power within the northeastern part of the country. Accused of stealing cell phones, soft drinks, home invasion, and slapping women, the monkeys are gaining momentum.

From Channel News Asia,
"Monkeys are wreaking havoc in my constituency by taking away mobile phones, toothpastes, sipping coke after opening the refrigerators," Hiren Das told Assam state's assembly.

He said the primates were "even slapping women who try to chase them".

"It is a cause of serious concern in my area, with more than 1,000 such simians turning aggressive by the day," fumed Goneswar Das, another legislator representing Raha in e
astern Assam.

Last week, around two dozen people were hurt after monkeys rampaged through a New Delhi neighbourhood.

Last month, the deputy mayor of Delhi died when he fell from his balcony after being attacked by monkeys.

Efforts to drive out the animals are complicated by the
fact that devout Hindus view them as an incarnation of Hanuman, the monkey god who symbolises strength.
India is ruled by Monkeys? Hmmm. Evolution comes full circle.

related post:

No more 'Monkey Business' in Delhi. Monkeys kill Delhi Deputy Mayor

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Do you want $1 million Dollars? Prove the "Swiftboaters" were wrong on Kerry

Jump on the boat. The Swift boat liars who attacked Sen. John Kerry are offering a rare "competition". If one can prove that the "swifters" claims against Kerry in the 2004 Presidential race are lies, they WILL earn $1 million dollars from Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens, a major contributor to the swift boat campaign.

The funny part, John Kerry, himself, has taken up Pickens' on his "bet".

From the Houston Chronicle,
"While I am prepared to show they lied on allegation after allegation, you have generously offered to pay one million dollars for just one thing that can be proven false," Kerry wrote to Pickens. "I am prepared to prove the lie beyond any reasonable doubt."
"It's beyond me; it's important for all the vets who served with me, who cared about it, whose own records were lied about. The problem is, it's the way they operate on the other side, and we have to end swift-boating forever. The way to do that is to have this public accounting."

I hope he "proves" Pickens wrong. In response to Kerry's claims to the $1 Million dollar prize. Pickens has stated that Kerry needs to provide all documentation of his military service. Hmm, Is this because Pickens knows he lied? I believe so. Pickens wants more "dirt".

Pickens wrote Friday in a letter faxed to Kerry, "I am certainly open to your challenge," but he said he would not pay Kerry unless the senator first provided him with copies of his wartime journals, as well as movies he shot while on patrol and his complete military records for 1971 to 1978.

"When you have done so, if you can then prove anything in the ads was materially untrue, I will gladly award $1 million. As you know, I have been a long and proud supporter of the American military and veterans' causes," Pickens wrote.

He also proposed a counter-challenge: "If you cannot prove anything in the Swift Boat ads to be untrue, that you will make a $1 million gift to the charity I am choosing — the (Congressional) Medal of Honor Foundation."
Go get that million, John. They dragged your name through the dirt and ruined your reputation. Sic 'em John! Don't let the GOP LIARS win this battle. Take out your big guns and shoot 'em down.

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

VIDEO: The Other Debate: Mike Gravel w/ earpiece and all

You have to love it. What do you do when the Democrats leaves you out of the debate? Mike Gravel plants himself on stage with a bluetooth mic and a large television broadcasting the debate live. While the candidates answered the questions, Gravel adds his unique commentary. Democrat, Progressive, Republican, Independent...this is sort of amusing. Take a couple minutes and watch the "Mike Gravel Debate"

It's like watching the debate with your Grandpa telling it like it is. Perfect debate format for Gravel. On his own..doing his own thing. He doesn't have a chance, but he's still great to listen to.

related Gravel post:
VIDEO: Say it isn't so. Gravel campaign offers 25K for "best Gravel" YouTube Video

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Chevron's Treasonous UN Oil for Food scandal SETTLED: Agrees to pay $25 million in fines

Chevron is in the clear. Big Oil has won. Chevron has agreed to pay $25 million to make the civil and criminal charges against them in the UN Oil for Food Program 'go away'.
The Securities and Exchange Commission said Wednesday that Chevron had agreed to the settlement under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act without admitting or denying the charges. But the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York said Chevron could still be prosecuted for criminal tax violations.
Of the $25 million, Chevron will forfeit $20 million under an agreement with the United States attorney’s office in New York and pay $5 million under an agreement with the district attorney’s office in Manhattan NYT

The San Ramon, Calif., oil giant, without admitting or denying wrongdoing, also separately settled civil charges with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday.

The pact requires Chevron to implement enhanced compliance procedures designed to prevent future violations and to confirm that culpable employees are no longer working with Chevron. Dow Jones Newswire

How convenient for Chevron. How convenient for Condi...considering all this occured during her tenure at Chevron. In fact, Chevron even named a tanker after her, but later had to rename it again due to the UN Oil for Food Scandal. Meanwhile Oscar Wyatt was railroaded for doing the same...including a CRIMINAL TRIAL. Why not for Chevron?

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Ding,ding ROUND II: Hugo Chavez demands King of Spain Apologize...or else

Isn't it amusing, Venezuelan 'President' Hugo Chavez has a vicious mouth when it comes to attacking his opponents, but when they turn the tables on him he shrivels up like a little baby and cries foul. On Saturday, Nov. 10th, the King of Spain told Chavez to "shut up" at a summit of leaders from Latin America, Spain, and Portugal...3 days later Chavez has decided he 'needs' and apology from the King or face his retribution in the form of business ties and investments with his country.

Here are a few excerpts from various Reuters article,
"The king lost it," Chavez said at a late-night political rally. "He should say, '... I, the king, confess, I was beside myself, I made a mistake.'"
"Whatever has been privatized can be taken back, we can take it back," Chavez said earlier at a news conference. "If the government of Spain or the state of Spain ... start to generate a conflict, things are not going to go well." Reuters, 11/13
"We do not want to hurt ties, but right now I am conducting a detailed review of the political, diplomatic and economic ties with Spain," the Cuban ally told local television.

"This means Spanish companies are going to have to show what their businesses are doing. I am going to take a look and see what's happening in those companies," he added.

and now for the Spanish reaction to Hugos' threats....
"(The comments) of the Venezuelan president, especially referring to Spanish companies, do not help us find a way out of the disagreement," Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said. "The Spanish government keeps stressing respect, respect. Respect for Spanish institutions, respect for Spanish firms." Reuters, 11/14
My goodness. Chavez respects no one. Expect this confrontation to escalate quickly. Nobody better tell the 'King of Venezuela' to "shut up", he goes nuts. Perhaps he should listen. When asked about his 69 changes to the Venezuelan Constitution that essentially gives him eternal rule and the ability to appoint anyone he chooses, he responded,
"Four questions you've come up with there, quite a few. What should I do?" he asked the reporter giggling. "You know what? Why don't you shut up?" Reuters 11/13
Don't be fooled by Chavez. He is not a man of the people. He is solidifying his power, nationalizing education, utilities, oil, and the telecom industries, banning NGO's, rewriting history, limiting freedom of speech, subverting the courts, exploiting U.S./Iranian relations, etc. He is no friend to America. No Friend to Latin America...and no Friend to the World. He is no "populist". He's just another self 'elected' subverter of democracy. He is a tyrant!

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ahmadinejad found his first "traitor". Former nuclear negotiator charged with Spying

Last week Ahmadinejad called the critics of his government less intelligent "than a little goat". By Monday he had denounced all Iranian citizens who criticize Iran's nuclear program as "traitors" and "If they do not give up their pressures on [the government] over the atomic issues, we [the government] will expose them to the Iranian nation," Two days later, Mr. Ahmadinejad has found his first "traitor". The pony show trials begin.

As reported by the BBC,
Former Iranian nuclear negotiator [Hossein Mousavian] has been charged with giving classified information to the British embassy, the Iranian intelligence minister has said.

Mr Mousavian is close to former President Hashemi Rafsanjani, a leading rival to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

In October, chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani resigned over reported differences with the president on the nuclear issue.
Intelligence Minister Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie told the semi-official Fars news agency ..."This accusation is proven in the eyes of the intelligence ministry".

On Monday, Mr Ahmadinejad denounced as "traitors" those in Iran who have criticised its nuclear programme, state media have reported.

He went on to say that his critics had pressured a judge "to acquit a suspect for spying".

This was assumed to be a reference to Mr Mousavian.

Also on Wednesday Iran's parliament approved Mr Ahmadinejad's nominees for ministers of oil and industry.

The acting oil minister, Gholamhossein Nozari, was confirmed in his post, as was Ali Akbar Mehrabian as industry minister.
Now ya see..this was/is an absolutely stupid move on Ahmadinejad's part. It its also being reported today that Iran has conceded to the IAEA and given them documentation on their nuclear program.
The IAEA has been asking Iran for the design document since 2005.
The design document contains information on casting uranium metal, a process related to the fabrication of nuclear weapon components.
Iran says it was given the papers without asking for them during its black market purchases of nuclear equipment years ago.
IAEA inspectors have been permitted to view the document in Iran, but up to now, Teheran has refused to let them have a copy.

Now a document has been handed over to the IAEA. BBC
Too little, too late. I fear Mohammed ElBaradei, the head of the IAEA, has bought Iran all the time the Bush administration take. The documents will only intensify their war mongering rhetoric.

Same Players. Different Scandal.

[Photo] Priceless: An American Dream

photo courtesy of Drugo83 (For a Larger Pic)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Iran: Mr. "Members Only Jacket" calls Iranian non nuclear supporters "traitors"

Here goes whacko again. Instead of threatening Israel or the West, this time Ahmadinejad has threatened his own citizens.

From the BBC,
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has denounced as "traitors" those in Iran who have criticised its nuclear programme, state media have reported.
Reformists and several senior clerics have challenged Iran's nuclear policy.

Last week, Mr Ahmadinejad was quoted as claiming his government's critics were less intelligent "than a little goat".
In his speech at Tehran's Science and Technology University, Mr Ahmadinejad said he had no intention of halting Iran's nuclear programme despite warnings by rival politicians and several clerics of the serious threats facing the country.
"These people are traitors and, based on our pact with the nation, we will not back down," he said, according to the official news agency, Irna.

"If they do not give up their pressures on [the government] over the atomic issues, we will expose them to the Iranian nation," he added.

"These are traitors and, in accordance with the vows we have taken to the nation, we will not back down and be onlookers."

Mr Ahmadinejad said he had chosen not to reveal their identities "because of some sensitivities", but warned he would do so "upon closure of the nuclear issue".

"They sent people to the enemy to regularly give them information from within the ruling system every week. We even have a recorded speech of one of them who tells the enemy: 'Why should you give up?... Step up pressure to make [Iran] retreat'," he claimed. Read the entire article.
The man is crazy. Unfortunately we have ourselves a crazy one, too. thump, thump, Thump...can you hear the drumbeat.

Weekend posts:
Doesn't this scare the Hell out of you? F- 35 Helmet
Biden joins Edwards..asks for Public Campaign Finance Funds
V-22 Osprey debacle continues...Osprey burst into flames
Shady Bernard Kerik still wants "Gifts"...this Time from You
McCain peers into Rudy's soul..sees horrible judge in character
California Protestors Beware!, the 'non lethal' Vomit Inducing Flashlight is coming to Town

Same Players. Different Scandal.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Doesn't this scare the Hell out of you? F- 35 Helmet

The above picture is of the new helmet designed for use with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Scares the poop right out of me. Yikes. Star Wars meets Riot Cop..scary.

Anyway. "The Helmet", is "a vision into the future"...and the future is NOW. (Special note, the helmet is for the next generation aircraft, not the f 22, but the f 35),
Unlike modern fast jet aircraft the Joint Strike Fighter, which is planned to replace the famous Harrier, does not have a ‘traditional’ head-up display – instead the computerized symbology (not a word) is displayed directly onto the pilot’s visors.

This Helmet Mounted Display System provides the pilot with cues for flying, navigating and fighting the aircraft. It will even superimpose infra-red imagery onto the visor which allows the pilot to ‘look through’ the cockpit floor at night and see the world below. (pretty cool)
The highly advanced Joint Strike Fighter, which is being built by Lockheed Martin, is planned to replace the RAF and RN’s Harriers. UK MoD, Defense News
From a different source,
The headgear being developed for the new, American-built F35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) will display navigation and targeting information on the inside of the pilot’s visor.

Precision head tracking software will allow pilots to "see through" the cockpit floor, with infra-red images of the ground below, during day or night time, being beamed in front of their eyes.
The helmet mounted display system is being developed by California-based Vision Systems International and British company Helmet Integrated Systems Limited.
"It even will superimpose infra-red imagery on to the visor to allow the pilot to look through the cockpit floor at night and see the world below.

"This is absolutely the cutting edge of technology. No other helmet will be able to do this.", a stated spokesman for the MoD Telegraph
Boo! Hehehee. Folks, the future is now..and this is what is in the pipeline. Kucinich and his UFO speak doesn't sound so crazy anymore. Does it? The "Defense" industry is moving into the "star wars" age.

Gizmodo says it best,
"The British Ministry of Defence has eliminated missiles and other projectile weapons in favor of a more open, glass covered cockpit offensive. Why? Their new tactic is to fly as close to enemy aircraft as possible while wearing this prototype helmet to make the opposition shit themselves to death. Victims won't be reincarnated as anything good either, but that's just a side effect."
Same Players. Different Scandal.

(Video) Gore on 30 Rock. Funniest Gore Performance, yet


Not the Same Players. Gore...slightly different. He actually makes sense.
Those who follow my posts understand the relevance of the above statement.

Check out the all of my posts.

Gary Hart is part of the Cabal. Don't let him fool you

on Sept. 12, 2001

Gary Hart's 1984 TV Ads